Conference 2013 > Accomodation


We recommend the following hotels for accomodation during the workshop. There are a certain number of rooms offered with special workshop rates in each hotel. Please ask for rooms using the keyword "Hamamatsu".

Hotel Phone No. of rooms with special offer
Price Special offer available until
Leonardo Hotel Heidelberg
Pleikartsförster Straße 101
69124 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 7880
50 single rooms
99.- € + 20.- € incl. breakfast


Hotel Holländer Hof
Neckarstaden 66
69117 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 60500
6 double rooms
110,-- € breakfast  5,-- - 13,-- €
Leonardo Hotel Heidelberg City
Bergheimer Straße 63
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 508-659
20 single rooms
110,-- € incl. breakfast
Qube Hotel
Bergheimerstraße 74
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 187990
20 single rooms
135,-- € incl. breakfast
Heidelberg Marriott Hotel
Vangerowstrasse 16
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 908-0
50 single rooms
119,-- € incl. breakfast


Heuauerweg 35-37
69124 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 7104-0 10 single rooms 85,-- € incl. breakfast 30.09.13
Czernyring 42
69115 Heidelberg
+49 6221 - 6517739 20 single/double rooms 49,-- - 58,-- €  breakfast 7,-- € 11.10.13

hamamatsu, tiga center, tiga centre, tiga, epithelial, tissue, tissue analysis, tissue modelling, tissue imaging, hautsimulation, episim, imaging, analysis, model, modelling, Heidelberg, Universität Heidelberg, Bioquant, epithel, medizinische informatik, pathology, modeller, medical informatics